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If I Were Your Fairy Godmother #mustread #poemforwomen

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If I were your fairy godmother,

I wouldn’t have to wield a wand for my spell.

I’d tell you that you shimmer

brighter than stardust,

glimmer more gallantly than

glass slippers.

You are more dazzling

than ten thousand treasure-filled tiaras.

If I were your fairy godmother,

I wouldn’t have to magically mold a pumpkin coach.

I’d tell you your wings

are well woven for flight,

constructed from the

compassion of your heart.

They’ll carry you to

whatever destination you desire.

If I were your fairy godmother,

I’d tell you fables and fairy tales are for children.

But you are a phenomenal woman

with the kindness of storybooks,

the courage of heroines,

the might of mystical dragons,

And the intelligence

and resilience

to conjure your very own

Ever After.